Tips & Tricks

Diamond Shape Guide

Layman’s Guide To Diamond Shapes

Buying your first diamond is almost like having your first kiss. You know it’s inevitable; it’s a landmark moment fuelled by excitement and adrenaline and

Father's Day


This Father’s Day, it’s your turn to make your dad’s day extra special. Take a cue from our  bank of ideas on how to celebrate


Layer ‘em Bangles

Tired of wearing the same old necklaces and earrings combo? Time to flaunt some arm candy with bangles wrapped around those pretty wrists. This season

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

If Mother’s day is everyone’s favourite, can Father’s Day be far behind? invites you to join in on our Father’s Day celebration and gift your

Mum’s the word!

It’s time to celebrate the No. 1 woman of our lives. To pick out and select the best of gifts for that special lady in

Play Safe with the Right Jewellery

Accessorizing yourself with the right jewellery is the key to accentuate your style. Take advantage of your physical attributes including your complexion while wearing any